Almost final now… We’ll have a great group of tutors for the workshop. With us : Antoine D’agata, Philip Blenkinsop, Patrick de Noirmont, Olivier Nilsson, Steve Raymer and Arantxa Cedillo… Nic Dunlop was a probability but he has to be in Phnom Penh that week for the ongoing KR tribunal. We’ll make four working groups. It will all evolve around documentary photography but with some variations, going with the work style of each tutor. As well, remember, we are all volunteers and there is hardly any photo-workshop where you get this kind of line-up… And since we are located next to John McDermot’s Photo Gallery in Siem Reap, John will spend sometimes with a number of students toward the end of the week, to talk and show what is it to print images for exhibition and running a Photo Gallery. I let go do the search yourself on the net to find out who’s who…