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Afternoon Session: Freelancing in Southeast Asia

Le Tigre Hotel Siem Reap

Freelancing in Southeast AsiaRony Zakaria (Indonesia), Veejay Villafranca (Philippines), Ore Huiying (Singapore) Veteran photographers come together to share their experience of being a freelance photographer in Southeast Asia. They will speak about key issues that all emerging photographers should now about: from reaching out to clients and editors, making the pitch, dealing with difficult clients, […]

Afternoon Session: World Press Photo – Challenges and Changes

Le Tigre Hotel Siem Reap

The World Press Photo: Embracing challenges and changes Formed in 1955, the World Press Photo was formed in an era without digital technology and a very different climate of international relations and politics. Since then, it has had to rise to the challenge of tackling new issues brought about by technology, new imaging practices and […]