Hotel WindowPipo Nguyen-DuyUSA This project deals with my recurring themes of trans-cultural identity and site specificity. It is my attempt to address issues of cultural belonging and cultural transiency through the irony of surveying...
No Mud No LotusLinh Huy Anh takes off his straw fedora as he enter the graveyard near Hanoi, his other arm still holds a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. He follows his parents through the knee-high grass path to find his late grandfather’s...
Long Bien LoverBoris ZullianiFrance The death of Polaroid as a format has been foretold often. But it persists. Boris makes nearly all of his personal photography with any Polaroid film he can obtain. For this series he made light paintings...
Like My FatherMaika My father is in treatment for his cancer. For many months, he could not get out of bed because of his poor health. His weight fell over 20kgs in a short time. One day I watched him as he was wearing his own clothes. It...
Champa GiathokPham Anh DuyVietnam My job as a wedding photographer frequently brings me to the coastal province Ninh Thuan, where most Cham people reside. I have always wanted to delve into Cham culture and start my first long-term...