Patrick Firouzian / Global Roots

Patrick Firouzian / Global Roots

France Fish and Morning Glory (Lake Clinic Cambodia) Tonle Sap lake, an area blessed with natural beauty, provides over 70% of the proteins consumed in Cambodia. When there is less fish, costs increase, and there is domestic violence, alcoholism and...
Renaud Philippe / Hans Lucas

Renaud Philippe / Hans Lucas

  Canada No Way Home In the early 20th century, hundreds of families left Nepal to settle in Bhutan, on the invitation of a Bhutanese government eager to fill an acute labour shortage. Known as Lhotshampa (southerners), these migrants...
Tadas Černiauskas

Tadas Černiauskas

  Lithuania Comfort Zone This project is about the seaside, sunbathing, and holiday somnolence that is free from the world surrounding you. These photos are not staged, and people did not suspect that they were being photographed by...
John Vink / Magnum Photos

John Vink / Magnum Photos

  The Cycle of Rice Belgium ‘The Cycle of Rice’ is an ongoing project in collaboration with ‘The Cambodia Daily’. Over a series of 12 publications in a time span of one year ‘The Cycle of Rice’ proposes to document the various aspects of rice...
Wong Kan Tai 黃勤帶

Wong Kan Tai 黃勤帶

’89 Tiananmen: Remains for Collection Hong Kong An uncanny feeling of nostalgic loss momentously germinated when the image of a young man strangely captured my attention after a twenty-year lapse on a developing dish inside a dark room. In a willy-nilly stance...