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Valeriy Klamm



Russia    www.vklamm.ru

What does Siberia mean – beyond clichés like the Trans-Siberian train, Lake Baikal, oil, cold, or vodka? Who are the inhabitants of the vast Rural Russia and what is their daily reality?
What means Russia – out of political agenda, on the level of simple daily things?

My ‘Siberians’ tries to reflect on some of these very questions, to bring deeper understanding of one of the most un-captured of lands.
This mosaic contains my works from ‘Birthmark On the Map’ blog community (doc project that I launched in 2009 and which is devoted to Russian provinces), captured in Western Siberia region – Altay, Kemerovo, Khakassia, Tomsk), or made in my home city Novosibirsk.