Ceu de Luiz
In honor of the centenary of the Brazilian musician Luiz Gonzaga depicts the Gonzaga universe, from their identification with the hinterland, particularly the region of Pernambuco and Ceará Cariri, which is culturally one of the most representative of popular culture in the Northeast of Brazil. Eshu, where Luiz Gonzaga was born, was the starting point for his artistic career, is also the starting point of the book, which reflects what we may call the Gonzaga of heaven.
The common thread is the man Luiz and the place where he was born, he spent his childhood, discovered the world and built his work. The book features the photo essay carried out by photographer James Santana, and the texts of the journalist and writer Audalio Dantas and repeated the double success in The Graciliano Floor ( Ed Weather d’ Image, 2006 ).
“Ainda hoje, e creio que por muito tempo, ou para sempre, escutaremos sua voz trovejante e veremos seu semblante altivo toda vez que andarmos pelos lugares do Brasil. Cidade grande e interior, interior e cidade grande, Luiz Gonzaga andará sempre com a gente por ai”
(Gilberto Gil)
“Today, and I think for a long time or forever, will hear his booming voice and see his haughty face every time we walk by places in Brazil. Large, inner city, interior and big city, Luiz Gonzaga will always walk with us out there”
(Gilberto Gil)