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Joel Sartore / National Geographic Photo Ark

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Photo by Joel Satore/National Geographic Photo Ark. A three-month-old baby chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes.

Winners and Losers
USA   www.joelsartore.com

Species are disappearing at an alarming rate and the National Geographic Photo Ark is a multiyear effort with National Geographic Fellow and Photographer Joel Sartore and the National Geographic Society to create intimate portraits of every animal under human care, while funding projects focused on species in critical need of protection. Once completed, the Ark will be one of the largest photographic records of its kind and an important resource for future generations, teaching people of all ages about our planet’s amazing biodiversity and fostering a real human connection to Earth’s animals.

“The goal of the project is to get the public to turn their eyes away from everyday distractions and to think about the other species we share the planet with — while there’s still time to save them,” said Sartore, “I want to get people to care, to fall in love, and to take action.”

Joel Sartore is a world-renowned photographer, speaker, author, teacher, conservationist, National Geographic fellow, and a regular contributor to National Geographic magazine. His hallmarks are a sense of humour and a Midwestern work ethic.

Sartore started the Photo Ark in his hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska. Since then, Sartore has visited 40 countries in his quest to create this photo archive of global biodiversity. Sartore has written several books, including most recently, Let’s Be Reasonable.

In addition to the work he has done for National Geographic, Sartore has contributed to Audubon Magazine, Time, Life, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, and numerous book projects. Sartore and his work have been the subjects of several national broadcasts, including National Geographic’s Explorer. He is also a regular contributor on the CBS Sunday Morning show with Charles Osgood.

Joel Sartore and his images are represented by National Geographic’s internal talent and stock agency NatGeoCreative.

[ Part of the 2016 Guest Curator Showcase: ‘We Alter Nature‘ presented by Claudia Hinterseer ]