Eternal London
Eternal London was commissioned by The Photographers’Gallery and was shot over a period of two years. In this series, Giacomo Brunelli uses his distinct film-noir style to create a unique and evocative view of the capital and its famous landmarks. The images are framed around the silhouettes of people and animals, including the statue of Winston Churchill depicted alongside Big Ben, a dog running into the Thames and a woman featured against the backdrop of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Brunelli takes his photographs during daily early morning walks, randomly choosing a person to follow before focusing his camera on them. Working discreetly, Brunelli often uses a removable viewfinder to be able to photograph his subjects from waist level and other unusual angles, such as directly from behind and with extreme close-ups. Working entirely in analogue format, Brunelli shoots his photographs with a 1960s Miranda Sensomat camera given to him by his father.