Mid-June Update

Jun 13, 2012 | 8th Edition (2012), Workshops 2012

Keep those applications coming in! The application deadline for the 8th Angkor Photo Workshop is a month away on July 15th, 2012, so there is still some time left for those of you who want to work on getting your portfolio together.

(Click on How to Apply on the top menu to find out how.)

In the meantime, the previous participants of APWS have been awfully busy with various projects all over the world. Here’s what some of them have been up to:

  • Tanvi Mishra is part of a team in India producing a lovely photo quarterly named PIX : pixquarterly.in
  • Geloy Concepcion just had an exhibition in Tokyo at the RICOH Ring Cube of his work Salamat 2011
  • Cheryl Baldicantos has an ongoing exhibition at the Month of Photography in Tokyo
  • A.M. Ahad won the ACFJ Scholarship and is currently in the Phillippines studying at the Ateneo de Manila University
  • Su Jiehao is working on his project on the Yangtze River. Give us a shout when you’re back in Beijing!
  • Nishant Ratnarkar’s project ‘Fistful of Dreams’ is now an e-book!
  • Jane Koh recently participated in the Noise’s Apprenticeship program 2012 in Singapore
  • Sean Lee was recently voted “Artist of the Year” at the I-S Readers’ Choice Awards 2012

Hopefully everyone will be able to make some time to join us at the festival this year!