CANON to help for the Workshop

Oct 27, 2010 | 6th Edition (2010), Photo Prize 2010, Workshops 2010

We are pleased to announce that CANON cameras will give us some support for the upcoming workshop. They also have agree to sponsor a Prize for the best story (Reportage) produced during the workshop (with a free LEGRIA FS200E video camera and a free IXUS 300 HS as well). All nice, just a little ahead of the holiday season. And the first newspaper in Cambodia The Phnom Penh Post will join in for the prize and publish a full page with that best story.

The jury for the competition will be as follow: Françoise Callier (Coordinator of the Program for the Angkor Photo Festival), Sylvie Grumbach (Director of the Press Agency 2e Bureau), Will Baxter (Sub-Editor for the Phnom Penh Post), Yumi Goto (Reminders Project and pdfX12), Matthieu Rytz (Founder and Director of Anthropographia).