We are pleased to announce that CANON cameras will give us some support for the upcoming workshop. They also have agree to sponsor a Prize for the best story (Reportage) produced during the workshop (with a free LEGRIA FS200E video camera and a free IXUS 300 HS as well). All nice, just a little ahead of the holiday season. And the first newspaper in Cambodia The Phnom Penh Post will join in for the prize and publish a full page with that best story.
The jury for the competition will be as follow: Françoise Callier (Coordinator of the Program for the Angkor Photo Festival), Sylvie Grumbach (Director of the Press Agency 2e Bureau), Will Baxter (Sub-Editor for the Phnom Penh Post), Yumi Goto (Reminders Project and pdfX12), Matthieu Rytz (Founder and Director of Anthropographia).