Passing of The King Father

Oct 24, 2012 | 8th Edition (2012), News & Happenings

Yesterday marked the end of one week of nation-wide mourning for the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk, who passed away today in Beijing on October 15, 59 years after he declared Cambodia’s independence from France.

Here’s a video that has been making its rounds on Facebook, showing thousands of Buddhist monks gathered together in prayer outside of the Royal Palace on Saturday.

Check out the coverage by our media partner, The Phnom Penh Post, including the following multimedia videos as well as several articles such as:

The Water Festival in Phnom Penh has also been cancelled out of respect, but all of us here in Siem Reap are still waiting to hear if festivities will go on this year. Meanwhile, we’ve been following the events in Phnom Penh through photos from our friends – such this one by Meng Kimlong, who was a participant in the 7th Angkor Photo Workshops!