by angkorphoto | Jul 2, 2020 | 16th Edition (2020), Articles & Resources, Workshops 2020
Angkor Photo Workshop tutors Kosuke Okahara, Veejay Villafranca, Katrin Koenning and Ian Teh share words of advice for potential participants to one of the longest-running photography workshops in the region. Now into its 16th edition, the workshops have remained...
by angkorphoto | Apr 14, 2020 | Articles & Resources
2021 Update: Sadly, our limited resources has not allowed us to continue updating this page. At the time (when it felt that things may perhaps be over sooner rather than later), we felt it was important to respond quickly to the situation by helping our community...
by angkorphoto | Dec 17, 2019 | 15th Edition (2019)
We love that our partners and sponsors in Siem Reap are socially responsible businesses and highlight some their sustainable and charitable works. The Butterfly Pea Charitable Foundation Our Key Workshop Partner and Closing Night Partner, the Butterfly Pea is more...
by angkorphoto | May 27, 2019 | 15th Edition (2019), Articles & Resources, Workshops 2019
Putting together a strong portfolio can seem like a daunting task, especially for the uninitiated. While the portfolio is not the only criteria for getting selected for the workshop, a well-thought-out set of photographs together with a strong personal statement will...
by angkorphoto | May 3, 2019 | 15th Edition (2019), Articles & Resources, Workshops 2019
The core event of the Angkor Photo Festival and Workshops, the annual workshop is for emerging Asian photographers who want to develop their craft and push beyond their current practices. Since 2004, our brilliant team of tutors has guided and nurtured over 400...