At the start of the New Order era in 1965-1966 under the Soeharto regime, thousands to millions of people were arrested, imprisoned, exiled, and silenced because they were thought to be associated with communist ideology. Nearly a quarter of a century, memories of the 65 women survivors of their time in exile have returned in song. The songs they composed and sang while they were prisoners. Now, these songs are brought back by the second generation of survivors who are members of the Dialita vocal group.
Rosa Panggabean is a documentary photographer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Previously she worked as a staff photojournalist in a local news agency. In her body of works, she always focuses on the event and its social context. She’s always interested in the human story and its relation, including identity, social change, human rights, and the environment. Rosa was a nominee of Joop Swart World Press Photo 2019 and had published one of her personal projects in a photo book titled Exile.