Red Zones & Canned Fish
A Retrospective of Covid-19 in Cambodia
Camboja News
VOD English
VOA Cambodia
Southeast Asia Globe
Red Zones & Canned Sardines” is a brief retrospective of news and documentary photography by news media outlets in Cambodia about the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact in Cambodia.
From the early days of the pandemic when cruise ships were still welcomed and mask-wearing scoffed at, photographers in Cambodia were at the forefront of recording and documenting the pandemic as it slowly unfolded in the Kingdom.
From border closures to our first community outbreak, the appearance of barbed wire barricades and cartons of canned fish, accurate media coverage was crucial in providing the public with important information about the pandemic. As movement became increasingly restricted, the work by these media professionals would become one of the few ways for us to understand what was happening in the country.
Amidst it all, journalists and photographers risked their health and lives to witness and document the realities faced by the people in Cambodia.
This project is a collaboration between Camboja News, VOA Cambodia, VOD News, and the Southeast Asia Globe.
Photographers Featured:
Alastair McCready, Ananth Baliga, Anton L. Delgado, Chorn Chanren, Cindy Liu, Danielle Keeton-Olsen, Enric Català Contreras, Gerald Flynn, Huy Ousa, Jack Brook, Khan Sokummono, Matt Surrusco, Mech Dara, Ouch Sony, Panha Chorpoan, Pring Samrang, Roun Ry, Sun Narin, Tran Techseng