
Sacha Goldberger


Sacha Goldberger describes his Super Mamika as a kind of endearing antihero: “The grandmother of Wonder Woman and Super Man, full of superpowers, a little clumsy… who does not control her strength; enter her home by the window, or crash on the side of it, prefers to take a taxi rather than flying (at least we can discuss)…”                  

If Mamika does not dress up to save the widow and the orphan in the hot neighborhoods, she is still a great heroine. Her mission? Maybe get our little old people out of their closets, make the younger generation think. Her most redoubtable weapon? Unquestionably: create smiles and emotion.


After working 12 years as an Artistic Director in advertising, Sacha Goldberger publishes three books, “Je t’aime tout simplement” and “Bye Bye Mon Amour” from the Seuil Editions and “Made in Love” from the Hoëbeke Editions. His first book sold 130,000 copies worldwide.
In 2008, he decides to goes back to the Gobelins Photography School. It’s after the release of his series on his grandmother “Mamika” that he becomes known in France. His talent is further revealed with his super Flemish series, a “Renaissance” interpretation of popular superheroes.
For 10 years, he has been producing and directing his series, worthy of cinematographic productions. For each series, he works with between 50 and 150 people. The “Secret Eden” series required, for example, the collaboration of 130 people over a period of 3 years and resulted in the creation of 17 diptychs and 50 portraits of different eras.
Some of these series have been printed in very large formats. Notably the “Super Flemish” ones, printed in 7 meters high and exhibited throughout the Austerlitz train station in Paris for more than a year in 2016.
Sacha Goldberger navigates through time with costumes and historical sets such as Jacques Couëlle’s Villa Goupil, Oscar Niemeyer’s CP headquarters, Alvar Aalto’s Louis Carré House, the Castle of Thoiry and Marta Pan’s workshop by André Wogenscky.
He’s currently preparing a historical series in collaboration with the Palace of Versailles.