After a grueling week, the workshops ended with a bang on the Closing Night of the 8th Angkor Photo Festival!
It was probably the first time we had everyone gathered together – all 8 tutors and 35 participants, and for the rest of us, it was a great chance to view the results of all their hard work. While everyone else was relaxing and enjoying the festival, it was humbling to know there were 35 photographers working very hard to complete their projects!
Another highlight of the night was the announcement of the winner of the 2012 Photo Prize.
We want to say a big THANK YOU to the members of our jury panel for taking the time to judge the work:
- Andrea Star Reese, photographer from USA
- Francoise Callier, program director of Angkor Photo Festival
- Che Ahmad Azhar, photographer and photography educator from Malaysia
- Mauro Bedoni, photo editor of Colors magazine
- Kosuke Okahara, photographer from Japan
- Heng Ting Guan, Area Manager of Canon
- Will Baxter, photo editor of Phnom Penh Post
The jury panel met in the afternoon on the day itself to go through all 35 projects. It took almost three hours, and with so many great stories from the workshops, it wasn’t an easy decision to make!
And so, a big congratulations to the 2012 Photo Prize Winner…..
Truth Leem, for her series ‘Island’
She won a Canon EOS1100D, courtesy of our main partner Canon and i-Qlick, as well as the inaugural Hope Françoise Demulder Award, a cash prize of 2,000 Euros supported by the Un Declic Contre Une Claque
Be sure to read Truth’s interview in The Phnom Penh Post:
View a few excerpts of her work here: 2012 Photo Prize
Once again – a big congratulations to all 35 participants! It was a great pleasure to have met each and every one of you, and we certainly hope you’ll be coming back to join us in Siem Reap next year!